Let’s change our perspective.

Umbrella organization that focuses on well-being, personal growth and development through different initiatives.

The Gloreana Association Full Logo

Teaching people to unapologetically be themselves through movement and events.

– Palmyra La Diva

Discover our brands and initiatives

Logo Antwerp Burleque Academy
Bevlekt en Onbevangen Podcast By Palmyra La DIva
Logo Antwerp Pole Academy
Palmyra La Diva

Founded by
Palmyra La Diva

A Belgian based burlesque performer and founder of Antwerp Burlesque Academy.

Once ABA began to thrive, she new she wanted to do more… and soon after The Gloreana Association was born.

The Gloreana Association

Email: info@gloreana.com

BTW: BE 0795.213.918

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